Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Policy

It is the policy of THE LAB (ASIA) LIMITED, The Lab, to maintain a Management System that ensures all activities and services of The Lab are carried out with control of environmental impacts to the public and the natural environment by ensuring proper handling of waste, reducing energy and resource consumption, recycling used materials and maintaining good practice in the use of hazardous chemicals. The system also aim to:

  1. long-term success and sustainability built on innovation and recognition as a leader in all Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) matters;
  2. provide and ensure safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees, visitors, contractors and other stakeholders by the prevention of all work-related injuries and ill health;
  3. promote sustainable development by respecting and protecting the environment while performing and managing our services and operations using the state-of the-art HSE technologies and employing best practices; and
  4. integrate HSE items into the top management decision-making process and goals definition.

Our commitment is to:

  1. ensure the health and safety of our employees, contractors, customers and third parties with an accident prevention philosophy which identifies and eliminates hazards and reduces occupational health & safety risks;
  2. provide an environmental-friendly workplace by preserving the environment and our communities through pollution prevention, rational use of energy, natural resources, and minimizing our environmental impact;
  3. comply with HSE regulations, laws and any compliance obligation directly related to The Lab operations as well as aligning with customer requirements;
  4. continuously improve HSE performance, management systems, programs and tools across all The Lab operations, through internal and external audit assessments, ensuring reliability;
  5. innovate to improve working and environmental conditions in the workplace and move even further towards achieving our ‘Zero Incident’ and ‘Zero Environmental Impact’ targets;
  6. increase HSE awareness by providing all necessary equipment, resources and training and promoting safer behaviours;
  7. emphasize the use of Stop-Work-Authority for The Lab employees and contractors when faced with any HSE risk;
  8. manage HSE risk and opportunities related to the workplace, operations and the management systems;
  9. foster continuous improvement on HSE aspects through the creation of efficient communication channels that actively involve the consultation and participation of employees, and where they exist, workers’ representatives;
  10. protect any employee from reprisals when reporting incidents, hazards, risk and opportunities;
  11. apply The Lab internal rule of “Rules For Life” to all activities, operations, constructions and systems; and
  12. comply with the latest version of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 management systems is our foundation to achieve these objectives.

This policy is reviewed annually, and any changes are disseminated throughout the Management Review Meeting and to all employees, suppliers, subcontractors and other interested parties. Respecting HSE rules is an individual responsibility for all of us, at every level within The Lab. These commitments apply to all The Lab employees, contractors and visitors. Management is responsible for ensuring full compliance with The Lab policies.